Sunday, November 11, 2012

Last Day in Tassie

I can't believe it! Tonight I am leaving Tasmania, for good. I really hope to make it back here one day, but we'll have to see about that.

My time abroad really flew by. I feel like I have just gotten comfortable here, and now it's time to go! It's not easy. Leaving a place is always harder than arriving. Saying goodbye to everyone I have met is even harder. I know I will keep in touch with everyone, but its not the same as living with them in Tasmania. No more SoHo, Tele, Mobius, BBQs, Pepperz, Salamanca, or hills of Hobart.

As I reflect on my expectations and first few days here I realize that Tasmania was not what I expected at all. But it was just what I needed from a study abroad. This experience has opened my eyes to so many new points of view and has also made me realize how beautiful life is. There were ups and downs, and I'm sure that when I get home I'll be down again, wishing I could climb the hill to Christ College one more time. But the memories will have to be enough.

The rock at Christ
one of my last times climbing the hill!

I will always remember you, Tassie! Next stop, Melbourne.

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